Re: suoper kill file

Phil Crown (
Wed, 21 Aug 1996 01:00:03 -0400

>"Rodney D. Myers" <> wrote:

>here's an excerpt from mine. Do this for each group if need be or
>incorporate in the global section.
> {
> Subject Re:
> header mozilla
> Subject http://
> Subject www.
> header
>The header mozilla line kills anything posted with the various flavors
>of netscape since I'm too lazy to setup mime decoding and in the
>binaries, I found that mozilla is most often used by spammers.

Is there a way to kill all MIME messages in a group?

>The subject Re: line kills the crossposted flame wars and what not that
>are infesting the binaries group. The other subject lines kill out web
>site ads.

It may also kill some articles that are actually binary posts, though
most of the "Re:"'s subject are as you mentioned.

Phil Crown