Re: suoper kill file

walt moffett (
Tue, 20 Aug 1996 18:17:35 -0500

"Rodney D. Myers" <> wrote:
>I have a functioning killfile, but it's set to kill in all
>newsgroups. What I'm looking to do, without success so far, is to
>modify the same killfile, to kill out in the alt.binaries.*
>ALL {
> }
>What is the correct syntax for ALT.BINARIES?
here's an excerpt from mine. Do this for each group if need be or
incorporate in the global section. {
Subject Re:
header mozilla
Subject http://
Subject www.

The header mozilla line kills anything posted with the various flavors
of netscape since I'm too lazy to setup mime decoding and in the
binaries, I found that mozilla is most often used by spammers.

The subject Re: line kills the crossposted flame wars and what not that
are infesting the binaries group. The other subject lines kill out web
site ads.

The header kills posts from the site by
checking the path, from NNTP posting host and message id lines as well
as posts about

Another alternative is create a file called say bingrps that is a list
of the groups you want and binkill consisting of a global kill section
and use the command line:

souper -N bingrps -K binkill etc

and a "regular" newsrc and kill for other groups and execute in a batch