Re: yarn and distribution lists

Steve Wright (
Tue, 20 Aug 1996 21:14:23 -0700

Sorry I'm so long in answering this. I had to make an unexpected stay
at the local hospital and I only drop in here now & then anyway.

On Mon, 12 Aug 1996 21:44:53 -0700,
"Gary H <garyh@sco.COM>" wrote:

>Steve Wright <> wrote:
>| [... lots deleted... ]
>|rars=Abaddon <>,\
>|Ron Adams <>,\
>|David Bedford <>,\
>|Gordon Bell <>
>Isn't the format of the addrbook as follows:
> alias: email_address
>The above, you have
> alias= email_address
>Are both valid syntax for the address box?

A.... you're right. I just looked in my current addressbook file.
Remember, my original came from v. .79 or so of Yarn. Even worse, I
don't really know if it worked with the = sign. I've never used it.

I would be interested in knowing if someone makes this work with .91.
Let me know the proper syntax... I may have a need for this sort of
thing fairly soon.

>Also, is this possible?
>alias1: email1
>alias2: email2
>alias3: email3
>alias4: alias1 alias2 alias3

Ya got me. Maybe some experiments are in order?

*************************************************************** (Steve Wright) <-> Orange, CA
... Had this been an actual emergency, we would have fled in
terror, and you would not have been informed.