Re: suoper kill file

Michael Raiteri (
Wed, 21 Aug 1996 15:08:00 -0400 (walt moffett) wrote:
>"Rodney D. Myers" <> wrote:
>>I have a functioning killfile, but it's set to kill in all
>>newsgroups. What I'm looking to do, without success so far, is to
>>modify the same killfile, to kill out in the alt.binaries.*
>>ALL {
>> }
>>What is the correct syntax for ALT.BINARIES?
>here's an excerpt from mine. Do this for each group if need be or
>incorporate in the global section.
> {
> Subject Re:
> header mozilla
> Subject http://
> Subject www.
> header
>The header mozilla line kills anything posted with the various flavors
>of netscape since I'm too lazy to setup mime decoding and in the
>binaries, I found that mozilla is most often used by spammers.
>The subject Re: line kills the crossposted flame wars and what not that
>are infesting the binaries group. The other subject lines kill out web
>site ads.
>The header kills posts from the site by
>checking the path, from NNTP posting host and message id lines as well
>as posts about
>Another alternative is create a file called say bingrps that is a list
>of the groups you want and binkill consisting of a global kill section
>and use the command line:
>souper -N bingrps -K binkill etc
>and a "regular" newsrc and kill for other groups and execute in a batch


I've read about the kill file in Souper and I know I must have one
because I have a junk newsgroup, however I can't find _any_ reference
to *kill* or *junk*.

Can anyone shed any light as to where this kill file should be.

Also is it possible to set up an imaginary newsgroup eg *personal*,
that would detect any messages in all the newsgroups that I download
that have my name in the body of the message.

This would be very handy as if I post an article and a reply comes
along posted in a newsgroup my name would usually be quoted in the
article and thus end up in the *personal* newsgeoup, so I would
naturally read that newsgroup first.

Is this possible.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Internet: <Michael Raiteri>
Fidonet:   3:640/305@fidonet
Brisbane Queensland Australia