Re: suoper kill file

walt moffett (
Wed, 21 Aug 1996 20:13:33 -0500 (Michael Raiteri) wrote:
>I've read about the kill file in Souper and I know I must have one
>because I have a junk newsgroup, however I can't find _any_ reference
>to *kill* or *junk*.
>Can anyone shed any light as to where this kill file should be.

The kill file should be in the dir you defined as home and you have to
create it just as you created the newsrc file.

Junk is a pseudo newsgroup of posts that don't belong to any of the groups
you have subscribed to. Try comparing the contents of
homedir\yarn\newsrc to the contents of yarn\active, the same groups
should be in both if you are a single user site.

>Also is it possible to set up an imaginary newsgroup eg *personal*,
>that would detect any messages in all the newsgroups that I download
>that have my name in the body of the message.

No howver go to homedir\yarn\config and set sort-by=score,subject

Run yarn and enter the group, find your post and cut and paste the
message ID out. In the article selection screen, type E and enter

5 Message-ID: <paste your message ID here>

exit the group and then re enter. Your post and any responses will be
at the top.

>This would be very handy as if I post an article and a reply comes
>along posted in a newsgroup my name would usually be quoted in the
>article and thus end up in the *personal* newsgeoup, so I would
>naturally read that newsgroup first.

The message ID of your post is also quoted in the header and is much
quicker to find this way than searching thru the body.

>Is this possible.
>Any suggestions would be appreciated.
>Internet: <Michael Raiteri>
>Fidonet: 3:640/305@fidonet
>Brisbane Queensland Australia