Re: [Fwd: Yarn95/Souper95]

From: Jim Holcomb (
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 1997 10:06:22 -0500

In article <>, you wrote:
>Well I now have Yarn up and running under Win95 :) I am using Souper95
>as my mail fetcher. I am having real problems and would appreciate any
>This is the situation so far:
>Souper95 will connect to the mail server and download the mail with no
>problems however no matter what I do I can't get Souper95 to send any
>mail replies. The same situation exists for news. Everything downloads
>fine but I can't upload replies.
>When souper95 is sending the replies everything appears to be going fine
>but the message never reaches the address. (I have been sending myself
>test messages)
>I have no idea what the problem is as under OS/2 Souper and VSoup both
>read the settings in the ISP file. I can't find any such file with

Amazing! I just went through the same thing last night -- converting
from Yarn and Vsoup on OS/2 to Yarn95 and Souper95.

Make sure that the MAILER and POP environment variables are NOT set
and that you have your ISP's mail server on your command line:

ex: \souper\souper95 -s

Jim Holcomb                    
Cary, NC, USA