Re: Souper script

From: Lemire Dave (
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 1997 7:41 -0500

->>Now comes the difficult part for me. I'd like to automate the
->>process of retrieving mail and news, uploading mail and news,
->>logging off and reading mail and news in Yarn 0.89, just as I
->>used to do with my Shell account. And here comes the question
->>that shows my ignorance - how do you write a batch file that
->>runs a Windows program, to wit, Souper? Or, how do you run
->>Souper so that mail and news are automatically collected, and
->>replies if any uploaded?
->You might check out one of the shareware or commercial batch programs
->for Windows such as WinBatch. I think you would have more control and
->capabilities running Windows programs from a Windows batch file than
->from a dos batch file.

PC Magazine has a pretty good Win31 scripting program call WinCmd. You can
get the files from the ZDNet or PC-Magazine sites (,, and like all PCMag utils, it's freeware. There's the basic
WinCmd and two supplemental libraries of functions/commands (look for the
files WINCMD.ZIP, WCLIB.ZIP, WCLIB2.ZIP). Unfortunately, the second library
is very pooly documented if you don't have the PC Mag utilities article. I
use a WinCmd script at home for my login to my firm's network remote access
capabilities, it works quite well. I've never used it to launch a DOS
program, but I suspect that'll work.

If you can't find WinCmd anywhere, e-mail me directly ( and
I can send you the ZIP files and my sample script.

- DaveL

David P. Lemire | "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend | Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read!"
Maryland, USA | -- the one and only Groucho