Souper script

From: Gururaj Rao (
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 1997 22:25:14 -0500

Hello Yarners,
After two years of using Yarn/uqwk/Shell account with ease, it
looks like my "Shell account" days are numbered. My ISP has some
problem with uqwk that delays e-mail messages I send and I have
decided to try out the latest version of Souper for Windows on my
PPP account. I therefore seek your assistance.

I am using Win 3.1. Downloaded the latest version of Souper
(0.6) for Windows, installed it, installed Winsock, connected to
my PPP account, and collected news by the simple process of
pulling down "Get" and clicking on news (of course, I had
created a newsrc file and placed it in the path beforehand).

Now comes the difficult part for me. I'd like to automate the
process of retrieving mail and news, uploading mail and news,
logging off and reading mail and news in Yarn 0.89, just as I
used to do with my Shell account. And here comes the question
that shows my ignorance - how do you write a batch file that
runs a Windows program, to wit, Souper? Or, how do you run
Souper so that mail and news are automatically collected, and
replies if any uploaded?

Will some kind soul throw some light on this matter, and if
possible attach his/her script to relieve me from this misery?

Thanks in advance.

Gururaj Rao                  Transtech Inc., Japan 
Technical Translator
Naval Arch. & Marine Engg.   E-mail: