Re: Trying to Locate Ken Gresham

From: Jim Tucker (
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 1997 14:50:10 +1030 (Mikus Grinbergs) said:
>In article <>,
> (Jim Tucker) wrote:
>> One other trap is ISP changing to remote server. Then uqwk needs to
>> be recompiled and name of server added to the environment. Same if they
>> have changed the location of news.
>My ISP has twice switched the hostname (and IP address) of the
>computer system on which the news server runs.
>I just set the environmental variable NNTPSERVER before calling uqwk.
>This overrides whatever uqwk has compiled in as its default.

This is what I do too, Mike. I meant when the ISP *changes* to a remote
server but is still running a version of uqwk compiled using Makefile
instead of Makefile.nntp.

I wonder if our man has found Ken Gresham :-)

Mail: PO BOX 66, Welland, South AUSTRALIA 5007