ddigest and addlines

From: George Cordahi (cordahi@interlog.com)
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 1997 23:05:50 -0500

In article <dj55yUmo3w9X089yn@mcs.com>, bobr@mcs.com (Robert P. Rush) wrote:
>On Wed, 15 Jan 1997 21:30:07 -0500,
>In article <vKZ3yclh5rmN092yn@interlog.com>,
>cordahi@interlog.com (George Cordahi) wrote:
>>Why do I care ? Because I preprocess my mail through Bob Rush's ddigest to
>>split digests into individual messages. To do that I run a batch file which
>>unzips the soup packet, and runs ddigest on the mail .msg file. If mail
>>comes first, the ddigest allways operates on 000000.msg. With mail at the
>>end, the filename changes everytime I change the number of newsgroups I
>>subscribe to.

>No need change the order of files in the SOUP packet. Version 0.7 of
>ddigest will operate directly on SOUP packets. It looks through the
>SOUP packet to find any and all email. When it finds a digest in
>email, it will add a newsgroup to the SOUP packet.

Bob and fellow yarners:

What I wrote was misleading.

Bob you are absolutely correct that ddigest doesn't require me to unpack
the message files, or to identify the email file in advance.

I unpacked the SOUP packet in order for ADDLINES to operate on the email
message file. ADDLINES works only on unpacked soup files, but it doesn't
require me to identify the email message file in advance. Once the SOUP
file was unpacked, I operated ddigest directly on the email message file.
To do that I had to know which was the message file.

Thinking through the problem, I solved it.

The solution is:

1. Run DDIGEST on the SOUP file.
2. Unpack the the SOUP File, and run ADDLINES
3. Import the *.msg files.



 George Cordahi          cordahi@interlog.com    OR    cordahg2@epo.gov.on.ca
 Mississauga, Ontario
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