UQWK packing order

From: George Cordahi (cordahi@interlog.com)
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 1997 21:30:07 -0500

I recently changed ISPs and have noticed a change in difference in UQWK
behavior between the two sites.

At my former ISP (io.org), a SOUP packet of mail and news would always pack
mail first as 0000000.msg, and other subscribed newsgroups would be saved
in subsequently numbered 000000?.msg files

At my current ISP, uqwk packs the mail last.

Why do I care ? Because I preprocess my mail through Bob Rush's ddigest to
split digests into individual messages. To do that I run a batch file which
unzips the soup packet, and runs ddigest on the mail .msg file. If mail
comes first, the ddigest allways operates on 000000.msg. With mail at the
end, the filename changes everytime I change the number of newsgroups I
subscribe to.

Any suggestions how to change the packing order, or how to write a batch
file that picks the correct mail file from the soup packet ?

BTW, I used Chin's opp script at internex. I look forward to seeing a
generic version that can be used at interlog. Could opp have been modifying
the ordering in uqwk ???



 George Cordahi          cordahi@interlog.com    OR    cordahg2@epo.gov.on.ca
 Mississauga, Ontario
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