Re: Announcements and so forth

From: Tim Muddletun (
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 1997 02:38:02 -0500

Sat, 11 Jan 1997 21:08:59 -0500, (Albert Y.C. Lai) wrote:
>Since will be closed down soon, have you found a new home for
>these stuff? Keep us updated.

The strange coincidence (?) of the situation (and i just realised this
yesterday, believe it or not) is that I'm hopefully getting a vex
account... so whereas once my Yarn pages showed up coincidentally on the
same ISP as Chin's official Yarn site, my pages may be (hopefully) moving
to the very site where the Official Yarn pages moved to.

Chin must think i'm following him around.. stalking him... or something (-:
Just a coincidence, just a coincidence... honest. <-: (not only stalking
him, but actively persecuting him by habitually writing (and releasing into
the wild) horrendous hacks built around his fine software. heheh).

I have already sent Golan a cheque (sent it Wednesday) have have
corresponded a few times via email. I'm afraid i may have indiscreetly
totally bewildered him with my random headers -- now with Yarf i have it
set up so Email gets (relatively) good headers... if only I'd programmed
Yarf a week earlier. Golan probably thinks i'm some 12 year old
prankster... and a 12 year old prankster with bad taste, at that! (-:

I tend to make bad first impressions on people. And bad second impressions.
And third and forth. Heh. But people eventually usually find out i'm not
completely Evil... and can even occasionally sometimes turn out to be
helpful in my own little ways... after awhile... if they can stand to put
up with me that long, that is. Such is life.

As for the the Bells2.html page... i'm in the process of redoing it... it's
about half done... much nicer. More organised -- better categorisation.
Utilises some tables -- and may, GASP, even have a couple small graphics.
But hopefully will remain lynx-friendly too, somehow...

i was hoping to get this done to co-incide with the move... but not sure.
We'll see...

>Albert Y.C. Lai

Yeah, if you ever chat with Golan, put in a good word for me. (-; (and
thanks for asking -- nice to hear someone cares about the page... I know
there are a few that do... but nice to hear it anyhow).

  Tim Muddletan =-=-= with hope or without it =-=-= as544
  -=-= read The Man Who was Friday by G. K. Chesterton on monday =-=-
    Yarn/2 Bells & Whistles Page:
      * January 12th * International Day of Tilting at Windmills