Re: Error message when doing expire.

From: Tim Moddleten (
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 1997 03:06:02 -0500

Sun, 12 Jan 1997 01:26:11 +0100, (Joni Boren) wrote:
>I have gotten the this error too after using YarnPack 1.0 [DOS] and Expire -r.

Did you run YARNPACK with the /I switch when you packed, or before you
packed? I should make that the default i think.

Trying to think of what might be occurring -- I think perhaps if you run
Yarnpack without the /I switch (to do integrity checks first), what is
happening is your history.pag may be "out of sync" to start with...

(please understand, i'm using this term "out of sync" just because i don't
know what else to call it -- what i mean by it is that the history.pag has
either more or less entries than you have articles in the actual news.dat)

Therefore there MIGHT be entries in the history.pag file with no
corresponding news.dat article -- which then might point to someplace crazy
which expire chokes on. Just a theory. Shots in the dark. Hard for me to
debug when i haven't seen it happen here. )-:

So anyhow, i'd encourage everyone to use the /I switch with Yarnpack, at
least, to be safe, and see if it clears up any potential problems in the
future.... let us all hope that if it is a problem in Yarnpack that it
happens here to me soon so i can examine what happens! (-:

>Rebuild -h right after YarnPack i don't get this error and everyting seems
>to be OK.

Seems to indicate that some entries in the the history.pag are may being
updated... under some circumstances. (which shouldn't be too serious --
shouldn't corrupt the actual news.dat -- but running rebuild to fix it then
resets the dates which cancels the benefit of yarnpack <G> catch 22).

>I would like to see the starting time of YarnPack, see how loong it's been
>running and an estimated time it will finish.

If you use 4dos you could do: timer^yarnpack^timer

An alternate method would be having a clock on the wall near the computer.

Heh. Smart ass programmers, don't you hate them! (-:

>And some way of stopping it when it has started i have an OLD PC (286) and it

I'll keep these things in mind...

  Tim Muddletyn =-= with love and a banana fish =-= as544
  -=-=-= now out of school, read Hamlet by William Shakespeare =-=-=-
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