Re: Yarn importing (NNIGN) & YIN bugs?

From: Tim Moddletun (
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 1997 02:53:21 -0500

Wow, i'm writing a lot of messages lately!

Sun, 12 Jan 1997 03:29:22 +0100, (Morten Frederiksen) wrote:
>----- end excerpt -----

Fascinating excerpt! So each line was a different day (or so)? So 80% of
your newsdat is "available" space all that time! Amazing. (-:

>the _end_ of the newsbase, this not making it possible for it to shrink
>very well on its own. Why?

Only Chin knows this answer... (i think).

>On another note, YIN 1.1 beta seems to be somewhat confused.

First get Yin 1.5, then report any bugs you still find. (-: (I believe the
count on Delete status messages was fixed at some point...)

>Also, when run with the /R (redirection) switch, colors are not removed
>from the end of line, that is, the output it self is fine with no
>colors, but after the last character on a line, the rest of the line is
>displayed with the background color set.

Yes, this is a weird ideosyncracy i have noticed in my virtual pascal CRT
unit (which is slightly weird). It however does not effect STDOUT
(redirection), or anthing else.. just looks slightly ugly on the screen...
since it has no real effect except cosmetic i haven't bothered to look into
fixing that one.

  Tim Middletyn =As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning= as544
  -=-=- brace yourself and read The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoyevsky -=-=-
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       * January 12th * International Day of the Noble Parasite