-Blind Carbon Copy email technique -

From: D. Wilson (dw@freenet.npiec.on.ca)
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 1997 02:29:00 -0500 (EST)

With Yarn 0.91 for DOS.

After finding this neat feature with Yarn, I thought it
would be best to pass it on to the List ... and if
someone can explain why it happens - that would be grand.

We want to send a Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy) to a List of

Advantage of Bcc:
No one else knows who also receives the email. We will
send mail to the Originator because the TO: line must
have an address.

Thus we end up with the TO: and FROM: line as the
same person (the sender)
In the examples, below the Sender is me at

Example 1: Basic Bcc.

David_Wilson: dw@dw.on.ca
The_Team: joe@abc.ca,\

The Sender does:
To: dw@dw.on.ca
From: dw@dw.on.ca
Bcc: The_Team

The Receiver gets:
To: dw@dw.on.ca
From: dw@dw.on.ca
Bcc: -

The above example #1 is normal Bcc. The List receives
the Email with no idea as to who else got it. The only
odd item with Example #1 is the Sender me sent it to

Now for a neat work around to this issue, look at example #2


Example 2: A twist. Edit the Address Book file with
an ASCII text editor and add at line 2 that looks
similar to following ...

dw@dw.on.ca (David_Wilson)

Note that this entry is backwards!
Compare this to Example #1, We now have ....

David_Wilson: dw@dw.on.ca
dw@dw.on.ca (David_Wilson)
The_Team: joe@abc.ca,\

The Sender does:
To: dw@dw.on.ca
From: dw@dw.on.ca
Bcc: The_Team

The Receiver gets:
To: -
From: dw@dw.on.ca
Bcc: -

Thus with example #2:
the TO: line is now Blank!
and the Bcc is still Blank like it should be.
A nice feature of the Yarn Address Book.

1) Are other getting this exact result?
(Access to 2 email accounts are best for Testing it)

2) What is the reason?

3) Where can one find the rules for the Yarn Address Book?
I just happened to stumble across this.

I trust this will help others on the list ...