Yarn importing (NNIGN) & YIN bugs?

From: Morten Frederiksen (mortenf@login.dknet.dk)
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 1997 03:29:22 +0100

Hello there.

I'm a little (?) puzzled by the way Yarn seems to be importing
articles into the newsbase (0.92).
Below is an excerpt of the output of NNIGN 2.0 over a 2 week period,
with multiple imports in between runs.

----- begin excerpt -----
----- end excerpt -----

As can be seen from this, Yarn seems to be importing new articles at
the _end_ of the newsbase, this not making it possible for it to shrink
very well on its own. Why?
(I realize that YarnPack is out there, but I'm still waiting a little

On another note, YIN 1.1 beta seems to be somewhat confused.
When run with the /N swith only, it sums up the totals for the
different message statuses (what is plural for "status"?), but the
count for "Deleted" messages is always 0, unless no messages are marked
for deletion. The grand total is correct, but the different subtotals
don't add up because of this.
Also, when run with the /R (redirection) switch, colors are not removed
from the end of line, that is, the output it self is fine with no
colors, but after the last character on a line, the rest of the line is
displayed with the background color set.

Morten Frederiksen
A born again-turkey is still a turkey.

<URL: http://www.mailhost.net/%7Emf/>