Re: Announcements and so forth

From: Michael Robertson (
Date: Sun, 12 Jan 1997 10:38:16 -0800 (Tim Muddletun) wrote:
>Sat, 11 Jan 1997 21:08:59 -0500, (Albert Y.C. Lai) wrote:
>>Since will be closed down soon, have you found a new home for
>>these stuff? Keep us updated.
>As for the the Bells2.html page... i'm in the process of redoing it... it's
>about half done... much nicer. More organised -- better categorisation.
>Utilises some tables -- and may, GASP, even have a couple small graphics.
>But hopefully will remain lynx-friendly too, somehow...

Please do keep the Lynx capability. I'm one of those dinosaurs with a
286 and a shell account.

Michael Robertson   |                                      |
Oceanside, CA 92056 |                                      |