Announcements and so forth

From: ---{Q[7]Qo. (gro.oi@mt)
Date: Sun, 05 Jan 1997 23:35:41 -0500

Where to start?

Need to know any more? (-:

I have put YarnPack into something resembling a "distribution archive".
There is a dos version in there too now (which isn't tested too much).
However the dos version is limited in that it will only work on news.dats
with less than 16,379 articles in them. So if your DOS news.dat is bigger
than that... you'll have to do some more expiring on it before you can run
YARNPACK (yarnpack will check the number of articles and not run if there
are too many articles). (The os/2 version is limited to news.dats with less
than 500 million or so articles. If anyone has more than 500 million
articles -- get a life. (-: ) You can of course check how many articles are
in your news.dat using NNIGN -- the number of blocks "in use" is the number
of articles you have active).

YarnPack is now safer as well. It has a new /i switch which will preform
four different integrity tests on your news.dat to try and make sure
everything is kosher before proceding.

Check the docs in the zip for details.

Now as for NoNewsIsGoodNews -- just fixed a couple more of divide by zero
errors in it. (-:

I haven't got time (what with all this illicit hacking!) to update my web
site these days, so i just post the filenames above you can grab. (Also I
have to move ISPs by the end of this month and everything is up in the
air... the Yarn/2 Bells and Whistles site may disappear for a little while
in a few weeks... and hopefully will be new and improved when it comes

So anyhow, there you have it. Use at your own risk. All i can tell you is
that i've been using my Yarnpack for about a week now, daily, and
everything seems to be working peachy. Yarnpack still could be optimised
some though -- it still does a lot of inefficient file position seeking...
maybe later... maybe version 1.1...

Bon chance...

  Tim Meddletin =As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning= as544
  -=-=-= begging you to read Till We Have Faces by C. S. Lewis =-=-=-
   * January 5th * International Day of Greek Tragedies
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