Re: uqwk stalling during news collection

From: Larry Caldwell (
Date: Thu, 02 Jan 1997 03:28:15 -0800

Wed, 01 Jan 1997 14:07:09 -0800 (Bryan Thorp) wrote:

> I'm at the point where I have to decide whether or not to bail
> out from the ISP or go for Souper. On my previous ISP I ran uqwk
> for over 2 years with only this problem 2 times to my
> recollection. Both times the ISP cleaned up the news base (lost
> articles was the problem, I believe).

The biggest problem I have seen running uqwk is bogus newsgroups. Uqwk
doesn't stall, it core dumps. That is a total barf, for those who
aren't familiar with unix. :)

Another problem with uqwk is long expired article lines. Even if you
don't read a group, uqwk will list expired articles for that group until
somebody resets the newsgroup. Buffer overrun is a problem.

See if your ISP has a program called eep installed. eep is a .newsrc
editor that will automatically reset unsubscribed groups and delete
bogus newsgroups. I've found that running eep cleans up all my uqwk

The other thing I do is grep out all the unsubscribed groups so my .newsrc
is short and sweet. My ISP carries about 17,000 groups, and eep will write
them all to my .newsrc everytime it runs. To clean things up I do:

grep : .newsrc >newsrc.short
mv .newsrc newsrc.long
mv newsrc.short .newsrc

Uqwk runs faster if it has a short .newsrc to work with.

I also run trnkill before I run uqwk. This cleans up the mountains of
spam that otherwise would just clutter my hard drive and give me ulcers.
You can find out about trnkill in alt.usenet.offline-readers. I think
there is a web site that carries the latest version. Trnkill can take
a while, so I normally start it and hang up, then dial back in later to
collect news and email.

(trnkill>&killog;uqwk +m +n +x +L -B25000>&qwklog;zip -m down AREAS *.MSG>>&qwklog)&

can take up to an hour to run, but runs fine unattended.

Between trn killfiles and yarn score files, I'm a pretty happy camper.

-- Larry