Re: uqwk stalling during news collection

From: Bryan Thorp (
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 1997 22:23:15 -0800

On Thu, 02 Jan 1997 03:28:15 -0800 in email.yarn, you ( (Larry Caldwell)) wrote:
>Wed, 01 Jan 1997 14:07:09 -0800 (Bryan Thorp) wrote:
>> I'm at the point where I have to decide whether or not to bail
>> out from the ISP or go for Souper. On my previous ISP I ran uqwk
>> for over 2 years with only this problem 2 times to my
>> recollection. Both times the ISP cleaned up the news base (lost
>> articles was the problem, I believe).
>The biggest problem I have seen running uqwk is bogus newsgroups. Uqwk
>doesn't stall, it core dumps. That is a total barf, for those who
>aren't familiar with unix. :)

None of my newsgroups were bogus and I wasn't getting a core.

>Another problem with uqwk is long expired article lines. Even if you
>don't read a group, uqwk will list expired articles for that group until
>somebody resets the newsgroup. Buffer overrun is a problem.

I had ensured that I cleaned those long expired article lines.
In fact I periodically do this.

>See if your ISP has a program called eep installed. eep is a .newsrc
>editor that will automatically reset unsubscribed groups and delete
>bogus newsgroups. I've found that running eep cleans up all my uqwk

'eep' I will definitely look into - it sounds like it could be
useful. Thanks!

>The other thing I do is grep out all the unsubscribed groups so my .newsrc
>is short and sweet. My ISP carries about 17,000 groups, and eep will write
>them all to my .newsrc everytime it runs. To clean things up I do:

Well, I *only* have about 40 newsgroups and I as I indicated
above I have a periodic procedure to cleanup my .newsrc and
grepping out unsubscribed newsgroups is part of that.

>I also run trnkill before I run uqwk. This cleans up the mountains of
>spam that otherwise would just clutter my hard drive and give me ulcers.
>You can find out about trnkill in alt.usenet.offline-readers. I think
>there is a web site that carries the latest version. Trnkill can take
>a while, so I normally start it and hang up, then dial back in later to
>collect news and email.

trnkill may be useful although I still haven't tried it and I've
been uqwking/yarning for close to 3 years now! I'd only use
trnkill for spams and helping to keep my .newsrc more up to date.
I find Yarn's score/filtering good enough for my purposes.
Another good suggestion.

And finally it appears that I am back in business with uqwk. My
ISP did a major news and NOV db(?) rebuild and my uqwk is running
as fast as I've ever seen it run. I've just collected and
downloaded my 1st 'large' packet in weeks - 100K zipped - in just
over a minute (with a 33.6 modem.) The bottom line is that it
wasn't a uqwk problem but a news server problem.

One thing that I've learned is that I really do want to stay with
a shell account and uqwk or as I said a few weeks back: "doing it
the old-fashioned way". I tried SOUPER over the last week and
although SOUPER (Windows version) works very well there is
absolutely no comparsion - for me anyhow - in speed of news
collection. If you have 'unlimited' access with your ISP it may
not matter much. But I don't have unlimited access plus I
maintain the bounces for a mailing list. I cannot imagine
downloading up to 2 Mb of *uncompressed* bounces!

Thanks for your response and suggestions, Larry. I also received
2 private responses (who I have thanked).

Now to pack my news.dat without changing the expiry dates! :-)

<> opinions strictly my own _o
bryan thorp, new westminster, bc, canada_______________O>O_______