uqwk stalling during news collection

Bryan Thorp (a29367@giant.mindlink.net)
Wed, 01 Jan 1997 14:07:09 -0800

I was recently forced to change ISPs. The new ISP has UNIX
command line access and thus I am still collecting news and
e-mail "the old-fashioned way".

However, on occassion - perhaps on 1 of 3 attempts - uqwk stalls
while collectiong news. Although I have found newsgroups that
uqwk just cannot collect there are some newsgroups that it gets
during one session and then fails on the next session.
Considering that I am subscribed to 40 ngs this is getting very
bothersome. Does anyone have any ideas on the possible cause?
The ISP has claimed to have cleaned up some lost articles on some
of the newsgroups but they are now starting to fail again.

I have determined that my modem is not a problem. Mass storage
space on the ISP is not a problem. When I moved from the old ISP
I subscribed 'fresh' from the new ISP to the newsgroups so the
article numbers in .newsrc are OK. Just for the hell of it I
also tried running uqwk in the background (nohup uqwk ... &) and
logging out. It still stalled occassionally.

I'm at the point where I have to decide whether or not to bail
out from the ISP or go for Souper. On my previous ISP I ran uqwk
for over 2 years with only this problem 2 times to my
recollection. Both times the ISP cleaned up the news base (lost
articles was the problem, I believe).

Has anyone seen this problem before and if so, was a permanent
resolution found? Sorry I'm not up to speed on different types
of news servers; all I know is that it's an NNTP environment.

<a29367@giant.mindlink.net> opinions strictly my own _o
bryan thorp, new westminster, bc, canada__________________O>O_