Re: Delayed edit?

Judy Stein (
Mon, 14 Oct 1996 09:48:09 -0400 (Steve Washam) wrote Re: Delayed edit?:
> In article <>, (Judy Stein) wrote:
> > (Steve Washam) wrote Re: Delayed edit?:

> Now that I've had the help file explained to me I've found the
> Resend option, which is Shift-E in Yarn .91. It also works from
> all folders, allowing one to resend another's message. It also
> adds two lines to the header: "Resent-From:" and "Resent-To:" (It
> may not add these lines if resending from the MAILED or POSTED
> folders.)

Oh, that's neat. Well, you're all set, then.

> >> I have been able to _replace_ the mail or news folder file in the
> >> replies subdirectory with a new file
> >
> >Created how, just out of curiosity?
> It was an ordinary folder created with the "o" - save message to
> folder command. It was mainly an experiment to see if Yarn held
> any internal data about what was in the REPLIES subdirectory.

Very interesting! Well, I certainly was wrong, then. That's
very useful to know.

> I'm not sure this technique is actually _good_ for anything
> unless perhaps you've got a whole lot of messages in the "Hold"
> folder which are all ready to go.

I should think it would be useful for a whole bunch of posts that
*weren't* ready to go, so you could get them back in the REPLIES
folder and edit them. But with the Shift-E option, if it works
with any folder, seems it would be easier just to use that.

> For most situations I can accomplish what I want by using "o" to
> save a message to a "Hold" folder and then using Shift-E "Resend"
> when I want to edit some more and/or resend it.

As you just went on to say. ;-)

> Thanks for all the time you've put into this thread, Judy.

No problem, I've learned something that may turn out to be very
useful. Thanks for your time as well.

+ Judy Stein * The Author's Friend * +