Re: Souper hiways & byways

Debra Walker (
Thu, 17 Oct 1996 18:53:21 -0500

On Thu, 17 Oct 1996 08:11:24 +0200, in yarn.list, (James Huang) wrote:

>This one came through fine. Funny things are happening and I do not
>know which end is at fault. <g>

>From the information that you gave, it would seem to be a problem on
your ISP's end. If you haven't done so already, why not contact tech
support, if you can, and see if they can help?

>> >1. Souper95 v1.5 seems to be slow when fetching news. Has the speed
>> > been improved in v1.6?
>> Personally, I cannot see any difference, on my end. My news server
>> can be real flaky at times.
>That could be my problem too as my ISP has problems with the nntp, pop
>and smtp servers which they hope to cure ASAP.

See my response above...

>> Sometimes, when using Souper95, it times out while trying to access
>> the news server. Otherwise, when things are "normal", I can't see any
>> difference between the two versions, in that respect.
>Mine does not time out but it does take more time to fetch news and mail
>as compared to the uqwk setup I used earlier.

I don't run NT, but I do run Win95. Often, I have noticed that, if I
use my comm program (QmodemPro 95) to log on to my shell account (my
ISP account is a shell/PPP combo), then retrieving mail and news seems
to be much faster than when I run Souper95. Perhaps, this has to do
with some overhead from running Win95 and DUN (Dial-Up Networking) when
using Souper95. Also, I notice faster access times for Web sites and
data transfers, as well, when I log on to the shell account with the
comm program, using lynx, and then downloading files to the PC. I
can't explain any of this, since I am not a programmer, nor am I a real
technically oriented type of user. I just make observations based on
real, everyday experiences.

>> If you have a score file set up for Souper95 with killfile statements,
>> then articles that match the expressions listed there are "killed"
>> before downloading the final packet. Those "killed" articles will not
>> appear when you load Yarn and view your newsgroups offline. I hope
>> that this answered your question. If not, please let me know.
>Thanks. That does answer my questions.

Well, I am happy that I could help you, if only somewhat. At least, I
am real sure of how the kill/score file works in Souper95 :)... In the
simplest terms, I think it trims the fat from your news packet. And,
as your kill expressions in your score file increase and/or work
effectively, then your news packets get smaller. My kill/score file
gets edited regularly lately, and I have seen, for example, 500
downloadable articles get whittled down to 200 or less. I just love
the way it all works in Souper95 :)... It seems to put most of the
Windows-based news/mail programs that I have used to shame.

Anyway... Good luck, and ENJOY!

Debra Walker

Debra Walker
Chicago, IL