Re: Delayed edit?

Steve Washam (
Sun, 13 Oct 1996 20:57:15 -0500

In article <>, (Judy Stein) wrote:
> (Steve Washam) wrote Re: Delayed edit?:


>> My manual does not show any option to "resend" from the Posted or
>> Mailed folders. What keystroke do you use for this?
>It's Shift-B in Yarn .79.

Now that I've had the help file explained to me I've found the
Resend option, which is Shift-E in Yarn .91. It also works from
all folders, allowing one to resend another's message. It also
adds two lines to the header: "Resent-From:" and "Resent-To:" (It
may not add these lines if resending from the MAILED or POSTED

This is the function I needed to re-edit a held message.

>> >> One can copy a folder (being a file) into the Replies
>> >> subdirectory and cause it to be named news or mail.
>> >
>> >...NOT to any files per se. Everything I talked about above
>> >occurs *within* Yarn, while Yarn is running, *except* for
>> >renaming the folders, which you have to do (with Yarn .79) from
>> >DOS after exiting Yarn. You don't have to do nuthin' in the
>> >temporary Replies subdirectory a-tall. (You'd have to do it by
>> >shelling to DOS from within Yarn anyway, since the subdirectory
>> >exists only when Yarn is running. I think it would confuse Yarn
>> >a *lot*.)
>> I have been able to _replace_ the mail or news folder file in the
>> replies subdirectory with a new file
>Created how, just out of curiosity?

It was an ordinary folder created with the "o" - save message to
folder command. It was mainly an experiment to see if Yarn held
any internal data about what was in the REPLIES subdirectory.

First, I let Yarn create the REPLIES subdirectory by sending a
dummy message. (There was no existing packet). Then I deleted
the mail folder from within Yarn, leaving the REPLIES
subdirectory intact. Then I shelled to DOS and inserted my own
mail folder into the REPLIES subdirectory:


Back in Yarn I apparently had a good \replies\mail folder which I
could edit. When I exited Yarn zipped it up as a *.MSG. I
accidentally sent it to this list.

I'm not sure this technique is actually _good_ for anything
unless perhaps you've got a whole lot of messages in the "Hold"
folder which are all ready to go. I might use something like
this in the future if I get into posting to separate news hosts.

For most situations I can accomplish what I want by using "o" to
save a message to a "Hold" folder and then using Shift-E "Resend"
when I want to edit some more and/or resend it.

Thanks for all the time you've put into this thread, Judy.

I left the "Resent-From:" and "Resent-To:" lines in the header of
this message so you could see them.


Steve Washam Walla Walla, Washington