Re: 3 questions/problems/suggestions about v. 0.91

Henrik Roseno (
Fri, 04 Oct 1996 14:09:57 +0200 (Yngvar Folling) wrote:
>In article <>,
> (Henrik Roseno) wrote:

[1. deleted]

>> 2. Since april this year, no mail-message has had a number in the
>> Lines-column. Maybe I upgraded to v. 0.85 at that time (?) It's a
>> pitty, that the Lines-function suddently didn't work anymore. I
>> regarded the Lines-column as a very good idea.
>Hmm? I never noticed lines in the mail folder at all. I assume that
>Yarn takes it from the "Lines:" header field, but mail messages don't
>normally have those.

ALL the messages in my INBOX folder DID have numbers in the
Lines-column until april this year!

[3. deleted]

Thank you for the advice on question 1. and 3.!

Best regards

| Henrik Roseno, MSc. | Markmandsgade 14, | e-mail: | Tel: (+45) 3295 0558 | 2300 Copenhagen S. | PS: It can take a few days, | FAX: on request | DENMARK | before I read my e-mail