A bug in Yarn 0.91

Henrik Roseno (hero@login.dknet.dk)
Fri, 04 Oct 1996 11:32:08 +0200

I am almost sure, that until half a year ago (or more), the
Yarn-versions made character conversion when saving a message to a
file, as it does when you view it. Now, I see the Danish characters
correct while reading mail/news, but when I save the message to a
file, and read that, then the characters are strange mathematical and
greek characters.

Best regards,

| Henrik Roseno, MSc. | Markmandsgade 14, 1.th. | e-mail: hero@login.dknet.dk | Tel: (+45) 3295 0558 | 2300 Copenhagen S. | PS: It can take a few days, | FAX: on request | DENMARK | before I read my e-mail