Re: Delayed edit?

Judy Stein (
Tue, 01 Oct 1996 21:02:40 -0400 (Steve Washam) wrote Re: Delayed edit?:
> In article <>,
> (John A. Stanley) wrote:
> >Send the article, which puts it in the replies folder as well as
> >the POSTED or MAILED folder. If you want to do other Yarn
> >uploads, then delete the unfinished email/article from the reply
> >packet and do your business. When you want to pick up where you
> >left off, go to the folder where the work was saved, resend it
> >with the 'E' command, go into replies, and edit.
> >
> >If you don't want to do other yarn uploads, simply send the
> >article and then later go back into replies and edit.
> This is certainly quicker than my solution. The only weak point
> here is that held articles are not segregated or flagged in any
> way, so the user must remember what items in the mailed or posted
> folder have not been sent.

You could always flag it by putting FINISH or something similarly
arresting as the first line of the post/message. Then you just
do a text search for FINISH within the MAILED or POSTED folder.
(If you do this frequently, you may wish to delete stuff from the
MAILED or POSTED folder that you resend, otherwise you'll
accumulate a lot of flagged material.)

Or you could change the subject heading--insert FINISH (or
whatever) as the first word. Easier to locate when you want to
resend it, but you have to remember to delete whatever you
inserted from the subject heading before you finally actually
send it out.

> Also, I believe in Dos Yarn the replies are sent (out of Yarn)
> when the program is exited, so replies is not a place to save
> anything from session to session.

That sure isn't the case with .79. I routinely accumulate
replies over several days to a week before I actually upload the
packet. I mean, yes, Yarn empties the REPLIES folder into the
reply packet when it exits, but then when you start Yarn again--
assuming you haven't done anything with the reply packet in the
interim--Yarn unZips what's in the reply packet and puts it back
in the REPLIES folder. That's why you gotta remember to delete
or rename your reply packets once they've been uploaded.

+ Judy Stein * The Author's Friend * +