Re: Delayed edit?

Steve Washam (
Tue, 01 Oct 1996 11:28:57 -0400

In article <>, (John A. Stanley) wrote:

>In article <>,
> (R. R. Ronkin) wrote:
>>Often, I want to interrupt the composition of an article or message for
>>minutes or hours; even overnight. Then, after accomplishing other
>>tasks, I would like to pick up where I left off. Is there an easy way
>>to do this? My edit program is EPM. Thanks for your comments.
>Send the article, which puts it in the replies folder as well as
>the POSTED or MAILED folder. If you want to do other Yarn
>uploads, then delete the unfinished email/article from the reply
>packet and do your business. When you want to pick up where you
>left off, go to the folder where the work was saved, resend it
>with the 'E' command, go into replies, and edit.
>If you don't want to do other yarn uploads, simply send the
>article and then later go back into replies and edit.
>John A. Stanley

This is certainly quicker than my solution. The only weak point
here is that held articles are not segregated or flagged in any
way, so the user must remember what items in the mailed or posted
folder have not been sent.

Also, I believe in Dos Yarn the replies are sent (out of Yarn)
when the program is exited, so replies is not a place to save
anything from session to session.

WISH LIST: INBOX/OUTBOX folders with New/Sent/Hold/Keep flags
and expiration based on date (for non-Keep flag).


Steve Washam Walla Walla, Washington