Re: Delayed edit?

John A. Stanley (
Tue, 01 Oct 1996 08:22:54 -0400

In article <>, (R. R. Ronkin) wrote:
>Often, I want to interrupt the composition of an article or message for
>minutes or hours; even overnight. Then, after accomplishing other
>tasks, I would like to pick up where I left off. Is there an easy way
>to do this? My edit program is EPM. Thanks for your comments.

Send the article, which puts it in the replies folder as well as
the POSTED or MAILED folder. If you want to do other Yarn
uploads, then delete the unfinished email/article from the reply
packet and do your business. When you want to pick up where you
left off, go to the folder where the work was saved, resend it
with the 'E' command, go into replies, and edit.

If you don't want to do other yarn uploads, simply send the
article and then later go back into replies and edit.

John A. Stanley