Re: Delayed edit?

Steve Washam (
Tue, 01 Oct 1996 00:14:37 -0400

In article <>, (R. R. Ronkin) wrote:

>Often, I want to interrupt the composition of an article or message for
>minutes or hours; even overnight. Then, after accomplishing other
>tasks, I would like to pick up where I left off. Is there an easy way
>to do this? My edit program is EPM. Thanks for your comments.

I am trying an experiment with this reply... <science at work...>

OK -

I wrote the above line, used "Send" to put it in the replies
folder. Then I opened the replies folder and saved this reply to
a folder called "Hold." Then I deleted the item from the replies

<break time... You could exit Yarn, send other mail, etc. here.>

Now I have opened the message in the "Hold" folder and used the
Mail (Forward) function to get it back into my editor (using my
own or any dummy address).

With some editing and rearranging of the headers I am now ready
to send this to the list.

Kinda clunky, isn't it?

I hope someone comes up with something easier.


Steve Washam Walla Walla, Washington


Oh - don't forget to delete your 2nd sig.

Steve Washam Walla Walla, Washington