Re: Delayed edit?

Steve Washam (
Fri, 04 Oct 1996 14:29:41 -0400

In article <>, (Judy Stein) wrote:
> (Steve Washam) wrote Re: Delayed edit?:


>> Also, I believe in Dos Yarn the replies are sent (out of Yarn)
>> when the program is exited, so replies is not a place to save
>> anything from session to session.
>That sure isn't the case with .79. I routinely accumulate
>replies over several days to a week before I actually upload the
>packet. I mean, yes, Yarn empties the REPLIES folder into the
>reply packet when it exits, but then when you start Yarn again--
>assuming you haven't done anything with the reply packet in the
>interim--Yarn unZips what's in the reply packet and puts it back
>in the REPLIES folder. That's why you gotta remember to delete
>or rename your reply packets once they've been uploaded.

Right. I was confused because the default setup of UKA_PPP ran
Yarn from a batch file which processed the reply packet as soon
as Yarn was exited. Even after I changed the batch file to stop
doing this the idea that replies were "gone" on exit somehow
stuck in my mind.


Steve Washam Walla Walla, Washington