Re: A bug in Yarn 0.91

Yngvar Folling (
Sat, 5 Oct 1996 11:33:20 +0200 (MET DST)

In article <>, (Henrik Roseno) wrote:

> I am almost sure, that until half a year ago (or more), the
> Yarn-versions made character conversion when saving a message to a
> file, as it does when you view it. Now, I see the Danish characters
> correct while reading mail/news, but when I save the message to a
> file, and read that, then the characters are strange mathematical and
> greek characters.

Now, this I'm sure of. I've got messages saved from two years back, and
they are all the same. Yarn has saved files untranslated as long as
I've used it -- since version 0.7.. something.

It would definitely be an improvement if you could save them translated.
But since there are cases where you may want the raw data from the
message too, so both possibilities are needed. Maybe the box that asks
for the file name also needs a check box saying "Perform charset
translation?" or something like that.
