Re: 3 questions/problems/suggestions about v. 0.91

Henrik Roseno (
Fri, 04 Oct 1996 12:37:53 +0200 (Brett Tabke) wrote:
>>1. Is it possible to make the news-base-file shrink, (when you
>> expire.) If it has grown exceptionally big, it would be nice, if
>> expiring could make its actual size on the HD smaller. In my
>> experience, it can not shrink, only expand! Why?
>Yes expire will eventually reduce the news.dat file. To reduce it
>immediatly - run REBUILD to rebuild the spool file.

Thank you for the idea!

>>2. Since april this year, no mail-message has had a number in the
>> Lines-column. Maybe I upgraded to v. 0.85 at that time (?) It's a
>> pitty, that the Lines-function suddently didn't work anymore. I
>> regarded the Lines-column as a very good idea.
>The L and V commands will toggel between score and lines display.

That's not the problem. The problem is that the Lines-column is empty.
Actually your mail is the first mail since april, that has shown a
number in the Lines-column...?!
But thanks for the try.

>>3. Approximately at the time of my upgrade to v. 0.91 I started to get
>> many "duplicate articles rejected". Generally more than a third of
>> the imported articles are duplicate. For instance:
>> 64 articles accepted - 49 duplicate articles rejected
>> or
>> 24 articles accepted - 14 duplicate articles rejected
>> or even
>> 44 articles accepted - 77 duplicate articles rejected
>> Is it Yarn v. 0.91 that doesn't work, or is it UQWK or my
>> news-server that has problems?
>Many dupes are rejected because they are cross posts - only the
>first post is accepted. Use the UQWK +x command to only pack the
>first post.

Well, that's not the problem. I have been using the following
UNIX-script for news+mail packing for a year:

if [ -f "" ]
echo Warning - found an unsent file!
sz -u
uqwk +m +n +x +L -Nuqwknewsrc
zip -mk9 offline AREAS *.MSG
sz -u

Best regards,

| Henrik Roseno, MSc. | Markmandsgade 14, | e-mail: | Tel: (+45) 3295 0558 | 2300 Copenhagen S. | PS: It can take a few days, | FAX: on request | DENMARK | before I read my e-mail