Re: 3 questions/problems/suggestions about v. 0.91

Henrik Roseno (
Fri, 04 Oct 1996 16:02:21 +0200 (Yngvar Folling) wrote:
>In article <>,
> (Henrik Roseno) wrote:
>> 3. Approximately at the time of my upgrade to v. 0.91 I started to get
>> many "duplicate articles rejected". Generally more than a third of
>> the imported articles are duplicate.
>I suggest that you examine the .newsrc file in your Unix shell account.
>First get rid of all unsubscribed groups in it:
>This makes the file only contain lines with a colon, which corresponds
>to the newsgroups you are actually subscribed to. Unsubscribed groups
>in .newsrc can sometimes confuse uqwk, particularly if you use the +x
>Then examine the .newsrc file in an editor. Does it contain duplicate
>entries for some newsgroups? In that case, delete all but one of them.
>That's all I can suggest. I've had similar problems myself, and this
>has usually taken care of it.

This is the file "uqwknewsrc", which I use in my script:

dk.foredrag: 1-434
dk.loppemarked: 1-8173
dknet.login: 1-1284
dk.general: 1-5165
dk.admin: 1-1395
dk.livssyn: 1-1262
dk.forbruger: 1-2176
soc.religion.gnosis: 1-1936

And the script:

if [ -f "" ]
echo Warning - found an unsent file!
sz -u
uqwk +m +n +x +L -Nuqwknewsrc
zip -mk9 offline AREAS *.MSG
sz -u

So I still don't understand. Maybe there is a bug in Yarn 0.91 or
maybe my news-server or UQWK has some problems.

Best regards,

| Henrik Roseno, MSc. | Markmandsgade 14, | e-mail: | Tel: (+45) 3295 0558 | 2300 Copenhagen S. | PS: It can take a few days, | FAX: on request | DENMARK | before I read my e-mail