Re: 3 questions/problems/suggestions about v. 0.91

Yngvar Folling (
Thu, 3 Oct 1996 17:49:38 +0200 (MET DST)

In article <>, (Henrik Roseno) wrote:

> 1. Is it possible to make the news-base-file shrink, (when you
> expire.) If it has grown exceptionally big, it would be nice, if
> expiring could make its actual size on the HD smaller. In my
> experience, it can not shrink, only expand! Why?

Once an article is imported, it stays in the same place in the news.dat
file until it is expired. The file *does* shrink whenever the *last*
article in the file is expired, but if there is an unexpired article
just in front of that, the file only shrinks by the size of that one
single article. The file *does* contain free areas for all other
expired articles, though, and it doesn't grow until you import an
article that won't fit in any of them.

I'm not sure if Chin has used the best possible algorithm for deciding
where to place a newly imported article, though. The problem I
described happens too often to my taste. An article at the end is
deleted, but the *new* last article in the file happens to be one I just
imported in a group with a two-week expiration time (I have a few, for
various reasons), so the file won't shrink again for the next two weeks,
no matter how many other articles are expired.

> 2. Since april this year, no mail-message has had a number in the
> Lines-column. Maybe I upgraded to v. 0.85 at that time (?) It's a
> pitty, that the Lines-function suddently didn't work anymore. I
> regarded the Lines-column as a very good idea.

Hmm? I never noticed lines in the mail folder at all. I assume that
Yarn takes it from the "Lines:" header field, but mail messages don't
normally have those.

> 3. Approximately at the time of my upgrade to v. 0.91 I started to get
> many "duplicate articles rejected". Generally more than a third of
> the imported articles are duplicate. For instance:
> 64 articles accepted - 49 duplicate articles rejected
> or
> 24 articles accepted - 14 duplicate articles rejected
> or even
> 44 articles accepted - 77 duplicate articles rejected
> Is it Yarn v. 0.91 that doesn't work, or is it UQWK or my
> news-server that has problems?

I suggest that you examine the .newsrc file in your Unix shell account.
First get rid of all unsubscribed groups in it:

grep ":" .newsrc > tmp
mv tmp .newsrc

This makes the file only contain lines with a colon, which corresponds
to the newsgroups you are actually subscribed to. Unsubscribed groups
in .newsrc can sometimes confuse uqwk, particularly if you use the +x

Then examine the .newsrc file in an editor. Does it contain duplicate
entries for some newsgroups? In that case, delete all but one of them.

That's all I can suggest. I've had similar problems myself, and this
has usually taken care of it.
