Re: Is Yarn available by FTP yet?

Debra Walker (
Wed, 02 Oct 1996 18:33:25 -0500

On Wed, 02 Oct 1996 10:12:30 -0400, in yarn.list,
article <>, (Robert Keith Elias) wrote:

> 1) Is Yarn available by FTP yet?

Not as far as I know... However, when I want to access Chin's Web site
(, I find it quicker to download files via my
shell account, using lynx. Saving the file(s) to my home directory,
and, then, downloading to my PC via QModemPro95 seems to be much
faster than loading up my Web browser (in Win95), accessing the site,
and doing the same thing.

It would be nice, though, if we could get Yarn via FTP...

> 2) Is it possible to get an original version of YARN_89. I
> lost my original when my hard disk crashed in July. (Just
> got back a few days ago)
> I'm afraid to upgrade to 09x because of the single database.

The MS-DOS distribution of Yarn 0.89 is currently available on Chin's
Web site (see URL above). I just saw it listed there.

Debra Walker

Debra Walker
Chicago, IL