Re: Souper script

From: Gururaj Rao (
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 1997 06:40:59 -0500

In article <>, (Robert P. Rush) wrote:
[ ... ]

>Unfortunately, Microsoft made it very difficult to control Windows
>programs from a batch file in Windows 3.x. There are a few "WinRun"
>programs that will start a Windows program from a DOS window. I'll
>probably release my own version once I've written some documentation
>for it.
>Two additional problems I've found with the winrun programs (including
>my own), is that they're not one-hundred percent reliable and they do
>not return any status code.
>You might check out one of the shareware or commercial batch programs
>for Windows such as WinBatch. I think you would have more control and
>capabilities running Windows programs from a Windows batch file than
>from a dos batch file.

OK, I'm a bit relieved to know that I wasn't all that stupid :-)
I was wondering after seeing batch file scripts for Souper95 and
OS/2 that appear from time to time on this list, that it might be
possible to have them for Souper for 3.11 also, and I was
totally ignorant of this.

>Use the program Managers File / New command to create an icon for each
>mail-run Icon you want. The command line should include the -i and the
>-g command line options.
> Description: Acme Mail/News Run
> Command Line: C:\dir\souper.exe -iacme -g -s
> Working Directory: C:\dir
> Shortcut Key: None
>Replace "acme" with the name of the setup you want to use.

OK - thanks for the suggestion. I'll use the above until
a) you come up with something to automate the entire
procedure :-)
b) I upgrade to Win95 or Warp.

>Most slip/ppp dialer programs have a setting to automatically call out
>when a program tries to connect to the Internet.
>You will still have to unpack your replies packet before running
>Souper. That's one of the next features to be added to Souper along
>with commands to execute before and after uploading/downloading.

OK, I'll send some testmail to myself and try it out.

Thanks for the prompt reply.

Gururaj Rao                  Transtech Inc., Japan 
Technical Translator
Naval Arch. & Marine Engg.   E-mail: