Re: UQWK packing order

From: Robert P. Rush (
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 1997 10:59:09 -0600

Hi fellow Yarners,

On Wed, 15 Jan 1997 21:30:07 -0500,
In article <>, (George Cordahi) wrote:
>I recently changed ISPs and have noticed a change in difference in UQWK
>behavior between the two sites.
>At my former ISP (, a SOUP packet of mail and news would always pack
>mail first as 0000000.msg, and other subscribed newsgroups would be saved
>in subsequently numbered 000000?.msg files
>At my current ISP, uqwk packs the mail last.
>Why do I care ? Because I preprocess my mail through Bob Rush's ddigest to
>split digests into individual messages. To do that I run a batch file which
>unzips the soup packet, and runs ddigest on the mail .msg file. If mail
>comes first, the ddigest allways operates on 000000.msg. With mail at the
>end, the filename changes everytime I change the number of newsgroups I
>subscribe to.
>Any suggestions how to change the packing order, or how to write a batch
>file that picks the correct mail file from the soup packet ?
>BTW, I used Chin's opp script at internex. I look forward to seeing a
>generic version that can be used at interlog. Could opp have been modifying
>the ordering in uqwk ???

No need change the order of files in the SOUP packet. Version 0.7 of
ddigest will operate directly on SOUP packets. It looks through the
SOUP packet to find any and all email. When it finds a digest in
email, it will add a newsgroup to the SOUP packet.

The following command lines will de-digestify all email in De-digestified newsgroups will be added to and
will be imported along with the rest of the SOUP packet.

C:\YARN> < download SOUP packet using souper or a terminal program >
C:\YARN> ddigest -S digest.cfg
C:\YARN> import

It's been my experience that calling ddigest all the time is faster
than determining if there is mail then calling ddigest.

If you're de-digestifing multiple mailing lists. call ddigest with a
different configuration file for each list.

Let me know if you have any questions,


Bob Rush                    | eschew obfuscation                |
<> |

"Look, strange women lying on their backs in ponds handing out swords. . . that's no basis for a system of government."