Re: Tim, äh Tom, äh Tym, Tum, Tam, Tem (in Germany also possible: Täm Töm Tüm...)

From: Tim Maddletun (
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 22:45:19 -0500

Thu, 16 Jan 1997 13:02:20 +0100, (Hardy Griech) wrote:
>you must have a great program to hide your email and so on addresses.

Well my ISP doesn't append Sender: and i just use Yarf (currently,
before i used to run my "config" file through a rexx script that
mangled things quite amazingly <G> before starting yarn each time)..

>(spammers cannot decode it (just like me)...).

> Tim Myddletyn =3D-=3D-=3D-=3D- with love and squalor -=3D-=3D-=3D-=3D =
x @ vex . net
> Yarn/2 Bells & Whistles Page:

Well from my sig we can discern two actual email addresses... (though
one is about to die... got to fix that sig)... um yes, remove the
spaces and x @ vex . net is actually my newest email address. Perhaps
looks confusing because not many people actually have "x" as their
user ID. I do now. Heh. And also if you flip around that web address
you'll end up with ... but that address will soon die...

I figure if anyone REALLY REALLY REALLY wants to email me that bad
they can go snoop my web page if all else fails <G> I know... it's
very inconvenient of me...

=E4h your umlat point is very good, i hadn't thought of that. <-: I must
see about all these accents. (they show up fine in Yarn message
viewer, but don't show up in the Subject listing overview... hmm).
And speaking of multi-lingual ignorance, is "deutsche" german for
"german"? For the new incarnation of bells2.html, i'm trying to find
Yarn/OS2 pages in other lanagues to link -- i found a german one...
was wondering what is german for german. I think it's deutsche, but am
rather uncertain all the same.

I've found French and German yarn/souper for OS/2 pages. Anyone know
any other language pages? Or any other pages even english!

If anyone wants to check out the new page in progress it's at ... somewhat of a mess, very rough! Still
working on it...

Tim Moddletin =3D-=3D-=3D not all who wander are lost =3D-=3D-=3D x @ v=
ex . net
-=3D-=3D get The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams =3D-=
=3D- =20
Yarn/2 Bells & Whistles Page:
* January 16th * International Day of Tilting at Windmills