
From: Ben C. O. Grimm - Libertatis Praesidium NL - (
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 04:46:20 +0100

Just wondering about something:

I'm using score files. I have some negative entries in them.
When I import a news batch, Yarn will tell me how many articles
there are in each newsgroup, read or unread. When I enter a
newsgroup, the score file is processed, and some articles will
be marked read. When I leave the group and return to the main
screen, the number of articles in that specific group will be
lower: the articles marked 'R' are subtracted. I exit Yarn, I
run 'expire -r' to dispose of the articles marked 'R', I
re-enter Yarn ... and the articles that had the 'R' marking have
disappeared. Nothing strange so far. But when I exit Yarn
again and run 'rebuild' with the '-u' option (mark all articles
unread), Yarn will show the newsgroup with the OLD number of
articles, even though some of them are not physically present in
the newsgroup any more! I can enter the newsgroup with an
'enter' or with the '->' key ... the articles are gone. The
real number of articles is lower than Yarn suggests before
entering the newsgroup. Why?

On the subject of scoring:

Would it be possible to process the score file on import? I
would like to arrange the following processes in this order (in
my batch file):

1) import news, with score files processed on-the-fly
2) expire -r
3) open Yarn, where the correct amount of articles is shown

At this moment, the score files are processed when you enter a
newsgroup. This will happen every time you enter a newsgroup,
even if you have entered the group a dozen times before. This
takes up time and resources, and can be done more efficiently on
import. Is this at all possible, f.i. by moving the score
routine from the yarn executable to the import executable?

Those of you who like the possibility to still see the articles
with negative scores can skip the 'expire -r'. Yarn will then
behave in the same way as it does now: it will show them when
you enter the newsgroup with 'enter', but without the time loss.

[the following tag line was generated randomly ... sometimes
coincidence seems non-existant :)]

------------ Ben C. O. Grimm -- Libertatis Praesidium NL ------------
AWWW, come on, just this one last little feature..
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