Re: more then 1 user om MS-DOS system

From: Tim Meddleton (
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 05:05:39 -0500

Thu, 16 Jan 1997 09:34:16 +0100 (MET), Ray Vermey <> wrote:
>when i exit Yarn i get a red box saying: error packing \home\user\
>(or something close to that) , my 'normal' user, the one i used in the
>firstplace works ok (SET HOME=\YARN that is)

Your second user's CONFIG file isn't set properly. under the home
directory (whatever it is) you will find another "yarn" subdirectory.
In there you will find a file called CONFIG... edit it with a plain
text editor. For that particular problem look for the line that
begings Reply-Packet= and set it to the path\filename you want for
that "user".

Alternately for these basic things you can SET HOME= the second users
home directory and run ADDUSER again and the reply packet setting is
also there as well (bottom line) and you can edit it.

  Tim Muddleten =-=As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning=-= x @ vex . net
  -=-=-= begging you to read Till We Have Faces by C. S. Lewis =-=-=-                                         
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