Re: more then 1 user om MS-DOS system

From: Ray Vermey (
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 12:57:34 +0100 (MET)

On Thu, 16 Jan 1997, Tim Meddleton wrote:

> Your second user's CONFIG file isn't set properly. under the home
> directory (whatever it is) you will find another "yarn" subdirectory.
> In there you will find a file called CONFIG... edit it with a plain
> text editor. For that particular problem look for the line that
> begings Reply-Packet= and set it to the path\filename you want for
> that "user".

Aha! Without the leading slash ??? I edited i thousand times but with no

> Alternately for these basic things you can SET HOME= the second users
> home directory and run ADDUSER again and the reply packet setting is
> also there as well (bottom line) and you can edit it.

OK i will try that one.

Strange is that my NORMAL HOME = d:\yarn ... that works pretty well.

I'll try this! but please confirm if the leading \ must be left out.

