Re: Multipart/Alternative

From: Olaf Scherdin (
Date: Fri, 03 Jan 1997 22:25:48 +0100

In article <>, (Phil Crown) wrote:

>I'll second this. The "Process MIME message..." box is annoying.

No. Receiving news which are HTML-encoded is weird, so I'd welcome an
option of what NOT to diplay.

>I'd like to be able to turn it off completely.
Of course, this would be a wise decision - just as in the case with the
prompt for leaving Yarn on ESC :)

Talking about MIME support I'd also be happy about that being more featured.
It should be possible to set the correct MIME-coding if I
send a multpart message. The way it is now, every file I attach is
encoded as "octet stream" so that the receipient has to save the file
first before he can access is.

Olaf Scherdin           IBM Certified     Fon: +49 461 32880
Swinemuender Str. 3,    OS/2 Engineer     Fax: +49 461 32499
D-24944 Flensburg               
                                          * PGP-key available *
Brother, has your data been saved?