Re: Multipart/Alternative

Stefan Kapusniak (
Fri, 03 Jan 1997 10:22:37 +0000

In list.yarn, (Mikus Grinbergs) wrote:

>I am being FLOODED with a *huge* number of such news articles, and
>for *every* one Yarn pops-up a dialog asking "Process MIME Message?"

For your scorefile:
-100 pattern Header ^Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Also complain to Netscape about their broken newsreader
generating such malformed posts.

>These articles all have 'Content-Type: Multipart/Alternative' in
>their MIME headers, meaning the content of the several parts is
>interchangeable. Can Yarn be given the option to NOT display the
>pop-up "Process MIME" question on Multipart/Alternative messages?

I would have thought it would be easier and quicker to write a
preprocessor script, in REXX, Perl, or your favourite Unix shell,
that ran against the soup packet and stripped out the extraneous
garbage, if you actually wanted to SEE the posts...


-- Kapusniak, Stefan m

PS: if we're throwing features around here, I want NoCeM support <g>