Re: Multipart/Alternative

Phil Crown (
Fri, 03 Jan 1997 02:01:27 -0600

>Help! Chin! Request for Yarn change!
>The beta of Netscape 4.0 has recently become available. I believe
>there is a switch in its configuration which allows the sending of
>MIME multipart news/mail messages, with the first part being plain
>text, and the second part being the same information in html form.
>I am being FLOODED with a *huge* number of such news articles, and
>for *every* one Yarn pops-up a dialog asking "Process MIME Message?"
>These articles all have 'Content-Type: Multipart/Alternative' in
>their MIME headers, meaning the content of the several parts is
>interchangeable. Can Yarn be given the option to NOT display the
>pop-up "Process MIME" question on Multipart/Alternative messages?

I'll second this. The "Process MIME message..." box is annoying.

I'd like to be able to turn it off completely.

Phil Crown