Re: Expire -o JUNK doesn't.

From: Pat Shanahan (
Date: Fri, 03 Jan 1997 07:30:20 -0500

FROM: (Yngvar Folling)
DATE: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 07:49:20 +0100 (MET)
IN NEWSGROUP: list.yarn
SUBJECT: Re: Expire -o JUNK doesn't.

.. In article <>,
.. (Larry Caldwell) wrote:
.. > In the list of newsgroups, highlight 'junk' and type 'C' (must be upper
.. > case). Yarn will prompt for expiring the entire newsgroup. Answer 'y'.
.. >
.. > Bingo. Junk is expired.
.. It is not expired. It is just marked as read.
.. Yngvar

But it WILL disappear when you expire -r......

  Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again!
Pat Shanahan <>                     from YARN/2 under MERLIN
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