-Yarn and Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy) -

From: D. Wilson (dw@freenet.npiec.on.ca)
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 23:04:29 -0500 (EST)

With Yarn 0.91 for DOS.
After finding this neat feature with Yarn, I thought it
would be best to pass it on to the List ... and if
someone can explain why it happens - that would be grand.

We want to send a Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy) to a List of

Advantage of Bcc: No one else knows who also receives
the email. We will send mail to the Originator because
the TO: line must have an address. Thus we end up
with the TO: and FROM: line as the same person (the
sender) [We will use me in the examples dw@dw.on.ca]

Example 1: Basic Bcc.

David_Wilson: dw@dw.on.ca
The_Team: joe@abc.ca,\

To: dw@dw.on.ca
From: dw@dw.on.ca
Bcc: The_Team

To: dw@dw.on.ca
From: dw@dw.on.ca
Bcc: -

The above example #1 is normal Bcc. The List receives
the Email with no idea as to who else got it. The only
odd item with Example #1 is the Sender sent it to
themselves. Now Look at example #2 ....

Example 2: A twist. Edit the Address Book file with
an ASCII text editor and add at line 2 the following.

dw@dw.on.ca (David_Wilson)

Note that this entry is backwards!
We now have ....

David_Wilson: dw@dw.on.ca
dw@dw.on.ca (David_Wilson)
The_Team: joe@abc.ca,\

To: dw@dw.on.ca
From: dw@dw.on.ca
Bcc: The_Team

To: -
From: dw@dw.on.ca
Bcc: -

Thus with example #2 the TO: line is now Blank! and the
Bcc is still Blank like it should be. A nice feature
of the Yarn Address Book.

1) Are other getting this result?

2) What is the reason?

3) Where can one find the rules for the Yarn Address Book?

4) What site defines RFC 822 ?

I trust this helps others on the list ...