Re: Best configuration for Yarn ??

From: G. J. Pareja (
Date: Fri, 03 Jan 1997 22:47:46 -0800

In article <>, you wrote:
>Hello everybody. I have two questions about Yarn 0.88
>I'm asking this because i fuond it a bit slow when
>it deletes "D"-marked msgs when exiting from INBOX folder.
>I thought it was a problem with BUFFERS or FILES settings in

I'm not sure if this matters. Yarn does seem to be slow at those things.

FWIW, on mine, the files statement says:


>The second Q is:
>how can i order (by subject) the messages in the folders ??

That's easy: press "T" (capital t). You can also make that the default
display method by altering the following in the CONFIG file (usually in

# default sort criterion for article selection list
# (one of arrival, subject, score,arrival or score,subject)

>Thanks in advance,

Welcome. Happy New Year.

Vancouver, B.C. Canada