Re: need offline reader for win95

James Huang (
Mon, 28 Oct 1996 06:37:45 +0100

In mail.yarn, article <>,
Chin Huang <> wrote:

> On Sun, 27 Oct 1996, James Huang wrote:
> > SET MAILER=<the name of your ISPs smtp server>
> Wrong. The MAILER environment variable specifies the external
> command Souper should run to send a mail message. You should leave
> MAILER undefined by default and let Souper send mail using its
> built-in SMTP function. Specify the name of your ISP's SMTP server
> on the Souper command line:
> souper95 -s your.isps.smtp.server

Sorry about having been the initiator of untruths here. Can only blame
it on my misunderstanding of the souper doc file.

And since I have your attention Chin, I am getting quite a few "423 ..."
error messages when running Souper95. Something to do with article
numbers. Is that error message generated due to some problem in
Souper(95) or due to problems at my ISP?
