Re: need offline reader for win95

Debra Walker (
Sun, 27 Oct 1996 17:01:02 -0600

On Sun, 27 Oct 1996 22:03:19 +0100, in article<>, (James Huang) wrote:

>In mail.yarn, article <>, James Robert Lunsford
><> wrote:
>> I'm trying to set up the YARN and Souper programs so that I can read
>> my mail offline. I need to know if anyone has set up SOUPER to run
>> under WIN95, and what I should use for these settings:
>You need to use the Souper95 executable that comes with the souper
>> Your Host Name:
>> Your Domain Name:
>> News Server:
>> Mail Gateway:
>> POP Mail Server:
>> Reply Domain:
>> Reply (Mail) ID:
>> POP Login ID:
>> POP Password:
>These are for the OS/2 PPP setup. In Win95 you just have to set the
>following variables, either in a batch file on Souper95 startup or in
> SET HOME=<directory where you have installed Yarn>
> SET NNTPSERVER=<the name of your ISPs newsserver>
> SET MAILER=<the name of your ISPs smtp server>
> SET POP=<the name of your ISPs pop server>
>Note that in most cases the MAILER and POP variables are the same while
>many ISPs have separate servers for smtp (which is used for sending
>mail) and pop (which is for fetching mail.

In my experience, with the Win95 setup, the SET MAILER and SET POP
statements are unecessary. The SET HOME and SET NNTPSERVER variables,
though, must be set, as James outlined above. In my case, the MAILER
and POP variables are the same ( However, if you are
not sure, it would be a good idea to check with tech support at your
ISP or BBS. Anyway, I include the MAILER and POP variables in the BAT
file that I use to run Souper95. If you, or anyone else, is/are
interested, I can either post or send you my BAT file, as an example.

>> Any help/tips/info would be greatly appreciated!!
>I'm sure that you will be getting lots of help here. The people here are
>really darned stubborn. They never give up until all questions are
>answered and Yarn and/or Souper is up and running. <G>

Thanks, James (2?) :)... Speaking for myself, I take that as a compliment.

We just like to help.

Debra Walker

Debra Walker
Chicago, IL